May 25, 2012


  What is a Melungeon?well, it depends on who you ask.I just read an article on the origin of what a Melungeon is, or should I say are.It never seems to amaze me about people and their origin.Because of the doubt about who they are.I mean I can't blame them in a way of wanting to know  where they ancestors came from,but with today's technology,there is a test you can take to dispel  any doubt about who you are,and where you came from.
After I read the article it seems to me,that by taking the test to find out your origin you  would of put some closure to the the myths of your race to rest.But,when they found out about who they ancestors were.It seems to me by reading the article that they rather had stick to the myth than found out who they really are.

Well, if you haven't  get where I'm going with this so far.Here's an article going into more detail about what I'm talking about.

DNA study seeks origin of Appalachia's Melungeons

After you read this article tell me in your own opinion,would you rather stick to a myth of the race of your ancestors or get the prove of  where they come from?


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