Jan 5, 2013

Reading Your Mind

Have you ever wondered if any one can read your mind? hm mm!I kind of wonder that,but I know that's just impossible for some one to do,or is it?I mean wouldn't they be called psychics or something,I wouldn't know.But, let me delve a little bit into,the what  if's.......
*What if some one can read you mind, can they honestly say that's actually  what you're thinking or are they going by something other than mind reading?
To me that would be the funniest thing if some one can actually do that,and actually believe that they  can. If so, they should be making  like a gazillion dollars.
OK, let me go back to the what if's hypothesis: Bare with me on this...
What if  some could truly could read your mind,can they  then define you as a person base on what they read from you?
*What if some one did  have telekinesis,and they can tell you what you're thinking this very second.well, not this very second,but if someone woulds to read your mind,wouldn't you be amazed? I would say,Yes!
but until that person show me their credentials all else theories have to go out the window,and to be quite frank...I would have my doubts about a person who believe they can read a person mind.
Here's another,What if's...
What if an average person can read your mind,what would you think of that person?Me personally,I would think that would be wonderful at first,but lets be real about this.I really don't think an average person can do that,and you have to awfully gullible to actually believe that.And plus,I would also think they don't have a life,to be honest.But who I'm to say,I'm just average person who couldn't sleep,and decided to blog about  it.Go,Figure!
Last one....
*What if  someone  can read you mind and base what they read off you and define you as a person from what you're thinking,would you (the reader) believe,then.?......Um mm ,NO! First off,I think IF some one   can do that, I would think that they don't have a life,and you are living rent free in their mind,because if they are taking that much time out to actually figure out  what you're thinking,Then I have to wonder about that person.That seems to me to be a little obsessiveness compulsiveness to do that and this individual that they're trying to read must be somebody special.
Over all,I wanted to do a post about if some can read some ones mind,and what another person thinking

Answer the what if's question.I've gave my opinion about it,and I would love to read your opinion.

             Until next time......

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