Mar 7, 2011


I'm aspiring author/poet who is writing my first book or writing in my manuscript as certain people might say.I chose this field because I love to read,and write,and plus what better profession to do so than what I love to do in the literary world.Along my journey in trying to achieve my goals,and dreams of becoming published author/poet I've encounter well not encounter read some authors,poets,and writers whos books,and poetry,and literature are some great reads.In reading their work I became great fans of their writing,and wanted to read more of their work.On my journey of becoming a published author/poet I have learn that this field is not a piece of cake.As I write in my manuscript each day I try to learn the field I chose to go in by reading some of the auhor,poets,writers work so I can get a better grip on what it takes to be in the literary world not only that but to extend my vocabulary.As I take this Journey of becoming a published author/poet it is with some hindrance.Because I'm thinking you write a manuscript,and boom your work is published .NOT!!There have been obstacles thrown in my path of trying to achieve my goals,and dreams.But,I choose not to let obstacles, boulders, or what ever it is stop me from succeeding in my goals,and dreams.So,since I continue to take this journey of becoming a published author/poet I try to learn every thing,read every thing,study every thing,learn the in's,and out's of the writing & publishing industry,read some authors published writing,and books,write in my blogs,understand which author,poet,or writer who's in it just to peedle their books,and the ones who's in this field because they love what they do.

But I also encounter d*mnit not encounter but read some writings,and that some published author,poets,writers have written,and made me wonder.Is it worth it or should I go in this direction of becoming a author/poet.SIKE!! Nothing going to stop me,but let me give you an example of what I'm talking about.In the above paragraph I said that I had become a fan or admiered some the authors,poets,writers work I like to read.But,Some of the authors,poets,writers that I've become a fan of or admiered has shown me that there is a lot to learn.Case in point I recently read an author,poet,writer's work that he/she had written.I gave my opinion on the work,and author had given his/her opinion on the piece as well.The writer responded back as to why I would percieve his/her writing as some thing different.Suffice to say the writer of the piece that was written gave his/her opinion as to why they written that piece,and then the writer of the piece thank us both meaning the author,and me for are statement.But! and thats a very big BUT!! when I look back on the comment section of the piece where the author that gave a statement about the piece his/her comment was no longer there so it made seem as though the writer of piece was just only talking to me(Now the person that wrote the piece I had admiered his/her writings to were I became fan,and look foreward to reading his/her work every now and then) Now should I go back ,and remove my comment that I made to the piece or stop reading the writers work?......hmmm that's something to think about.But,On serious note I think not!! I just will proceed with caution,and plus It just lets me know this was a learning experience for me about how other authors,poets,writers respond to their fans,and it also lets me know how I should respond to a reader when my writings or book is to be published,and that you have to take the good with the bad in the literary world..............#learningandreadingasIcontinuetowrite......

©3/2011 F.a.Ellis Aspiring Author/Poet
All right reserved by F.a.Ellis

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