Mar 7, 2011


I'm a aspiring author! I'm writing my first manuscript and its hard as hell.Well the writing part is the easy part
its just the idea of thinking is this good enough or not. I mean I read all types of books,and I find myself

comparing myself to these authors.I know I shouldn't but but sub-conciously I do it with out thinking about it.

Also I critique my own writing to the point where I have to stop writng,and say is this good enough for a reader.

Another thing about this writing journey is that i'm on i'm learning the hard way.When I first started out I was like

a baby taking its first baby steps.But! The thing is I'm falling down to much and not practicing enough to know how

the literary game works.This Journey that i'm on is a slow,and hard process i'm dealing with.But,I'm so up for the challenge.Whether its a long walk to get to that goal of being a literay author/poet than so be it.I'm willing to take those chances in the literary game.

©12/2010F.a.Ellis aspiring author/poet
All Rights Reserved by F.a.Ellis 

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