Jan 29, 2013

On A Journey


Whew!!! The first of the month of the new year is almost , and I've already have plans for  the rest of the year.For some reason I'm trying to stay focus on what I want out life ,I guess.Anyway,For one I cancel all of my social media outlets,I mean they were not helpful or useful to me in any way shape or form,and besides it would of been nice to correspond to some one ever now and then,but that just wasn't happening at all.So,I decide what's the use of having them,and besides another reason I canceled them I really want to focus on my blogging,I mean I really haven't focus much on each one of the blogs every since I started them.
Now,that the new year is here in full affect I plan on trying to take advantage of it the best way possible,and I'm doing it with out  whole lot of money. I plan  on utilizing this year ,I won't saw their won't going to be the best year of my life (Pun intended)because I know I will encounter some stumbling blocks along the way,and I would be lying if I say I won't frustrate a time or two or thinking about giving up or throwing in the towel.Because I have thought about that ever now and then,and something keeps tell to keep pushing on,and I'm going to do it to.
For one, I will trying to give my utmost attention to each  blog,What I will not do is try to put a post up every day or commit to it,because by now I know how I am I will totally committed to doing things at first then down the line I feel off the bandwagon.I know your next question is then why is this year any different?I don't know why, but for some reason  I was blessed with another year on this earth,and don't you know you just get sick and tire waiting on something that  you could have changed in your life if I've put in a little effort in   trying to do.
This year I'm taking it slow I'm not rushing into any thing whether it be spiritual healing,body improvement,blogging or what ever the case maybe.I'm not saying slow in what task I got at hand.I mean slow as in do what ever it takes within my means to do it,and it  will eventually fall into place.

Until next time,(in which it will be real soon)

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